Monday, February 04, 2008

I can clean my own blood!

Kidneys: filtering. Dialysis catheter: removed after my chest was numbed by the largest syringe of lidocaine I have ever seen. And man, am I glad I didn't see the size of that sucker until they took it out. Next up, more bloodwork to estimate what percentage of my kidney function I have ultimately regained. If you don't mind, please cross your fingers for a creatinine level in the neighborhood of 0.8 on Thursday.

Life with two is hard. I am pretty sure I am experiencing some pretty serious postpartum depression. I have my followup with Dr. Favorite on Friday and I'm fairly certain there will be some pharmaceutical intervention at that time. My mother leaves this week, which scares the hell out of me. And my car decided this was a good time to blow out the clutch, which apparently involves removing the entire transmission to access, sticking us with a $1900 repair bill right when I'm taking an unpaid leave of absence from work.

Oh, the joy.

But, the Boy (he seems to be earning the nickname Buddy, which is totally unexpected) is healthy and fairly unfussy (although I spent from 4 to 7 AM patting him on the back as he periodically writhed in discomfort against my chest), the Girl is being less actively rude to my mother ("Grandma go away") and I seem to have survived another day. One day at a time.


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Oh, May...I am so pleased to hear of your progress.

Hope you get the 0.8 you want on Thursday. Good thoughts to your kidneys!

Geohde said...

Yay for functioning kidneys.

Not surprised that you're feeling crappo, having been so sick and also having a newborn will do that to anybody.

Hoping for 0.8 or better,



MrsSpock said...

Hooray for functioning kidneys!

Hope your numbers are good today!

Laurie Anne said...

Hang in there!! Being a mom really takes a toll on the old bod. Don't worry about the depression, treating it is better than "hoping it goes away". Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your babies. You can do it!! :0)

SeaWorthy said...

Well hello to a fellow problem uterus! What a small world it is, I just read your post to my blog (coastal nest) thanks for stopping by! But mostly, a hearty congratulations to you and your new sweet darling! Its quite a feat to be a mommy, is it not?

I am starting to come around to everyones thinking about the wainscotting at the coastal nest. so, I wanted to let you know that your vote counted to sway said decorators decision! (wow, dosent happen very often)

I wish you sunny skies and happy babies! Congrats-to the max!
coastal nest