...wait for it...
my mother!
Yes, Mom found me. EARLY LAST YEAR, people. Talk about lurking!
So, some housekeeping. As you might imagine, I immediately searched my archives for any references I'd made to my mom (Mel's search engine is wonderful for this, by the way) to see if I'd written anything terrible about her, which apparently I had not. (But I MIGHT HAVE. She being such an EVIL LURKER!!!) I do seem to have mentioned in several places that I kind of like her. A little. That is, I used to... before the DELURKING.
My mom has a wonderful blog of her own, Bell Street Journal, which you can find here, or alternatively through the link in her comment. It's mostly about her artistic pursuits and her extensive travels. She occasionally mentions me there, and Dee, and Buddy, and H, and where we live, all by our real names. And there are photographs. (Next she'll probably post a map to our house, as well as what expensive electronics we own and where we hide the spare key.)
As you can see by my very sporadic posting, I'm not really going anywhere with discussion of my (retired) uterus anyway, so I thought I may as well take this opportunity to come out of the closet, remove things from my archives that I really wouldn't want certain individuals I know to encounter (cough*BROOM*cough) and blog a little more openly.
On the other hand, I don't really want any of my students to find their way here. So, I have been pruning my archives accordingly, and I will continue to use the pseudonyms I've been using for everyone all along. But I guess I can now admit I'm an actual person with a mother:
Isn't she cute? She says she's 5 feet 3 inches tall, but we all know she's exaggerating by an inch. People that are 5'2" find it much easier to unobtrusively LURK.
What a very nice-looking lurker!
I think forgiveness is in order...
Studies show that exaggeration and lurking go hand in hand.
Hi, Michele! You have a wonderful daughter.
Waves hello to May's lovely Mother. We see you!
PS, I am not making this up, but the word verification says 'ovulatin'!
LOL. My mother found my blog by accident. Luckily she doesn't understand the archives bit and never found the post of all the religious stuff she has in her home...
I totally went to her blog and found you, stalker that I am! I actually enjoyed reading her blog (it also made me miss Seattle, having lived there for 4 years and taken the ferry to edmonds countless times)....
I hope this blog isn't entirely retired! I think my mom is a lurker on my blog too, I just haven't confronted her yet.
MWL (Mothers who lurk) is MY internet blogging group. Luckily you have not (yet) found it. Ahem....
Being a grown up (mostly) I would not have been (overly) offended by anything you may have written about me. I think. Anyway, I am proud of your blog, proud of you and happy to claim you as my second child, my very own little ABFPSDGG. (Yes, that is a threat to out you to your entire blog world with you very own special little girl name.....it's a real threat. Be nice to me.)
By the way, darling, I love you very much.
Goodness. I think that kind of delurking from my own mother would cause me heart palpitations.
I'm still laughing...
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