I am a little bit past the age with Buddy where I was with Dee when I got pregnant again. I am NOT going to get pregnant again, but the number of people around me who are pregnant with, or have recently had, child #3 are causing twinges. Mostly, though, I have mourned the loss of my future fertility. And my hands are pretty full as it is.

My Dad just turned 60, so I flew up to Washington for the party. My sister just got engaged. My Mom is dealing with some medical issues. And the kids have recently brought home 2 separate upper respiratory viruses and shared them around the house. I have 16 people coming for Thanksgiving dinner. Life is full. I am well, and grateful.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
DD's Meme:

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award and write a little bit about why you love them. That would be DD from Mama Said Knock You Out. She is never afraid to be who she is. It is so wonderfully refreshing!
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Nominate no more than 17 people who you love or you think could use some love.
5. Write one word (you can only use a word once) about what you love about their blog.
6. You cannot nominate someone who has already been nominated-the love has to spread to all.
7. Post links to the blogs you nominate.
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.
I have a giant pile of lab reports currently eying me from my desk, so I'm going to have to punt here, and say if you're still reading this, and you want to participate, consider yourself nominated!
So great to get your update!
Your children are so beautiful. Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving, and that someone else does the dishes.
Yeah, right.
Lovely to hear an update, and my how time flies.
I am now at the point where people keep asking when the next baby is but A: let's face it, the first two took 3 years so the twins might be voting before I get lucky again and B: the marriage, she is shaky right now.
What a perfect update! You have pictures and everything. I might have to use my powers of persuasion more often.
Buddy is so grown up looking! It was just yesterday he was born, eh? Where does the time go?
Are you EVER going to update your blog????? Your loving mother wants to know!
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