And here you may view their real personalities:

I can't wait to show these to her prom date.
My uterus doesn't work very well. Throw enough medical intervention at it, though, and you can sometimes force it to behave itself. We've now pushed our luck far enough, and are following the advice of every medical professional on the planet and not trying to have any more children.
We do not have such a phenomenon as father-daugher dances here, sadly; 'cept at weddings.
I hope they had a wonderful time!
I learned today while doing daycare research that the Kindergarten curriculum has changed drastically since our days!
Children are required to read, instead of simply doing letter workbooks, etc. Of course, it's all related to state testing and funding...
Oh, my little darling Dee and her adorable Daddy. LOVE the pix. I laugh everytime I look at them!
Photos too cute. Head has popped with cute overdose. ESPECIALLY the second photo.
OK Woman... where are my pictures? I need more.
This picture made me laugh. I have a picture of Don and Emma going to their dance with goofy faces.
Love it.
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