Some new clothing makes its debut today, as I have just spent my Christmas Gymbucks. The penguin on the hem of the skirt is hidden in the fold, and you can just make out the sequined peace symbol on the front of the shirt. It worked even better later in the day with the ruby red slippers when she went to soccer.
And moving to an entirely different topic, my sister got married in September, to a wonderful man who shares a first name with my husband, so we call him "Uncle Critter." Here he is with my sister in a photo I have shamelessly snatched from my sister's blog.

Now Buddy is becoming quite the LEGO fiend, and he got quite a few new ones for his birthday. One of them is a police set, and includes a "robber" mini figure. I swear it is my brother-in-law in LEGO form. My sister thinks I'm nuts. I leave it to you.

I'm pretty sure it's the grin. Here, let me find another one.
(Also stolen from Jennie's blog)
Okay, that is too scary! Yes. There is an eerie resemblence. Uncle Critter has been modeling for Lego? Perhaps to help pay his way through law school?
I think Uncle Critter may be owed some royalties... too bad they aren't coming in. Maybe they are "in the mail." He was DYING when he read this post!
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