Especially the way she INSISTS on putting in her headbands:

Day 14 was a little more ho-hum.

Note Buddy in the background there, trying to steal the flashy pink shoes.
Things may get more sporadic here as I actually had to return to work. (Sob.) The semester's first class meeting was last night and it went pretty well, aside from the fact that I spent 3 of the 4 hours blabbing at the poor students. Introductions, the syllabus, safety orientation, roll call and adding latecomers, lab tour, how to use the equipment, how to write up a lab notebook properly... I was even boring myself. Fortunately now that this is out of the way, the rest of the semester I just give my hour lecture when they arrive and then they have three hours to get their stuff done. It's my favorite class to teach. Should be a good group, too, as far as I can tell from the first day.
Dee's enrichment classes started up again this week as well: gymnastics, a multi-sport class (piano was full) and then (drumroll please) her long-awaited "Mad Science" class starts tomorrow after kindergarten. This is the same group that we hired for her fifth birthday party:

They were making slime. I shudder to think what might be coming home in her backpack tomorrow.
I like these selections... she has great taste! And I love that Buddy was trying to steal the pink shoes.
If the green slime turns out to be the least offensive thing she brings home, please don't tell me!
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